Center for @Supportive_Bureaucracy

Visual Arts

Center for @Supportive_Bureaucracy

Ori Alon-Ray is the Founder of the Empowering Clerks Network (Center for @Supportive_Bureaucracy), which issued over five million Playful Paperwork documents in ten languages since 2006.
Services he developed such as the Refurbished Report Card, Forgiver’s License, Racism Release Form, Alternative Street Signs, Adults Special Achievement Stickers, OK Parent Award, #HiddenFortuneWheel, DIY Certificate of Recognition, Village Fool Diploma, Rejection Letters to Colleges, #InsultConverter and others are used regularly by teachers, therapists, parents and spiritual leaders. The ECN appeared in numerous media outlets including the NYT, Washington Post, Times of Israel, Jewish Currents, Creative Exchange and the Radical Therapist. Together with his wife Rachel ( they offer ECN Office Hours virtually and in person around the world.
Alon-Ray also writes the award winning comics series #CartoonistLawyer ⚖ initiative for Courts and Government branches to accept comics as valid legal petitions. The project was recently featured in ׳Skewers׳ by Meir Uziel, one of the longest published columns in the world, and gains rapid support from numerous public figures, lawyers, lawmakers and artists.
NYS Supreme Court Justice MacKenzie and Beacon NY City Council accepted comics petitions and legislation proposals by Ori, creating a precedent for all Courts and Municipalities in NYS to do the same, in solidarity with people who have dyslexia. Author of the Magic Bagel, #CartoonistLawyer, #אהודבנאיראשהממשלה comics series.