Chen Danon Zaks


Chen Danon Zaks

Actress Chen Danon Zaks graduated from the Beit Zvi High School of Performing Arts.
She has performed various roles at the Beit Lessin Theater, Beer-Sheba Theater, Yiddish-Spiel, The Orna Porat’s Children Theater, and more.
In 2015, Danon Zaks started an independent professional career.
She is a Teacher of the “NIA” movement method, performing seminars in Israel and around the world.
Chen is the sole developer of the “Theatronea” method – a method of act and movement for personal empowerment.
She also manages the theater hall in Kibbutz Beit HaEmek in the Western Galilee, and works to establish it as a cultural center.
Chen initiated, produced, wrote and directed a social enterprise which deals with the Ethiopian protest in Israel, called “On the Shoulders”.
In 2022, she wrote and produced a comedy solo show about her life, in which she also acts, and these days she is performing it all over Israel.