Efrat Yaron

Visual Arts

Efrat Yaron

For many years Efrat had been seeking a safe space with an inner logic all its own. She set out to explore and comprehend prevalent systems, laws, and world orders. Living with a challenging attention deficit disorder has forced her to come up with solutions, which allow her to function within a turbulent inner world devoid of footholds. The attempt to silence external noises led her to art and painting, which provide her with the ability to create a private set of rules, which does not necessarily apply to those around her.
In her acrylic paintings, she strives to discipline the threatening flood by means of boundaries, divisions, and flattening. Basic subjects undergo abstraction and are reduced both formally and thematically. Nature, sea, pool, city, family, figures, and houses converge into patterns and grids, the figments of her imagination and ideas.