Igor Poretsky
Igor Poretsky
Igor Poretsky is a front person actor, showman, performer, singer and solo musician, known all over Israel of his live concert activity and radio, movies, TV and commercials. He is a creative musical producer, composer and arranger of several successful projects. And mainly Igor is the live performing artist talking, singing, dancing and contacting with the audience.
In his one-man show, Igor acts, sings, talks and plays grand piano, different keyboards, acoustic guitar, accordion, harmonica and other acoustic solo instruments accompanied by up-to-day digital musical equipment. His on-stage contact with the audience is remarkable for a very special agreeable mood, warm and mellow atmosphere, sense of humor and unforgettable aura. Igor’s solo shows and concerts are held all over Israel same as abroad and usually are very successful and booming.
In 1991 – 1999 Igor appeared regularly with his weekly solo show in the lobby bar of the Dan Panorama hotel – one of the on-sea veritable “in” places of Tel Aviv Sea pedestrian. He also performed as a freelance on numerous special events, international receptions, VIP evenings, and cocktails parties at the Taba, Nuweiba & Sharm El Sheikh – Sinai Hilton resorts, Egypt.
In 1996 – 98 Igor was a member of Israeli Foreign Ministry delegation on several government missions to Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Russia, Ukraine, Byelorussia and to Jordan where he performed successfully.
In 2000 Igor was performing on the Mediterranean cruise liners from both Haifa and Ashdod Israeli seaports. Between the years 1983 – 87 Igor was employed for the Odessa Black Sea Shipping Company – the Admiralty of Ukraine on the board of luxurious overseas liners, in contracts with Grandi Viaggi – Italy, Neckerman – Germany, and other known European tourist companies.
In 2001 Igor was invited to perform several times in the Israeli Presidential residence and the Israeli Prime Minister’s office on formal events and diplomatic routs.
In 2002 Igor played a main role in an Israeli movie “Teenager Katya”. The film was nominated on Haifa – 2003 international film festival. In period of 2002 – 2007 Igor played different main roles in popular TV commercials.
In period of 2004 – 2006 Igor was invited several times for numerous performances to Kassel and Frankfurt–Main ( Hessen, Germany ), taking part in TV talk-shows and live on-stage shows as a guest Israeli artist. The audience of local Jewish communities and TV-auditoria was very impressed thankfully applauding with long term standing ovations.
Igor takes an active part in TV and FM-radio commercial productions. Last in 2013 Igor played a role in “Polischuk-3” TV-series.
Igor appears on stage with his solo performances and same in combined shows with famous Israeli performing artists such as Albert Cohen, Shlomo Bar-Shavit, Avi Koren and Shula Hen, Shuly Nathan, Yehuda Eliaz, Israel Gurion and many others.
For the last 28 years Igor is a constant active member of E.M.I. – Israeli Union of performing artists.
Igor is represented by the two leading Israeli producer’s companies: Aviva Rosenfeld productions and Rodika Alkalai casting.