Jale Arditti

Jale Arditti
Why do I take photos? By creating my first blog of short stories in French I tried to find an explanation for myself about the intense need I have to write some of my fantasies, my dreams, visions, painful moments as well as moments of bliss. Today, after becoming beguiled by the world of photography, the click of the camera has become my second breath. For me photography has become all-consuming and from the moment my pictures appear on my PC screen they have an addictive drug like effect on me.
I find the experience breathtaking, exhilarating and it is with difficulty that I can explain or account for being so captivated and transported to another world, which I can only describe as heavenly. I photograph nature and flowers, rusty locks of all kinds, old or new windows, women, men, children; what I photograph is unusual and eclectic. Landscapes are not for me, my photography is all about the close up, the detail unnoticed by the eye, it’s not the bramble bush, it’s the brambles that I bring into sharp focus.
Barbed wire, twigs, iron lines, leaves hanging at random fascinate me and reveal their intimate secrets when I zoom in on them; the dead leaves tell me of their journey through life, a faded rose shows me the way of the end, a bird connects me to my freedom, a dog to loyalty, a cat to selfishness….. I click and I publish on the internet, and the “likes” and “comments” give me wings to soar upwards and fill my days with colors, shapes, scents and songs…… I’m “addicted” to my photography and have no other name for the happiness my camera brings me. “Photography is a love affair with life”, I capture moments that will never return. Jale