Omri Mishael
Omri Mishael
Omri Mishael is 18 years old and lives in Ashkelon, Israel. In June 2016 he graduated from the “Omanuyot” school of arts in Ashkelon with distinction, majoring in classical ballet and contemporary dance. Mishael is currently an apprentice in the Israel Ballet Dance Company.
Mishael is a 2013-2014, 2014-2015, and 2015-2016 grantee of the America-Israel Cultural Foundation in the field of classical ballet. Upon receiving a full scholarship from the American Academy of Ballet, Mishael participated in an intensive summer course in July 2012 in New York City. In April 2014, he performed at the Mia Arbatova gala event, at the Suzanne Dellal Center in Tel Aviv. In May 2015, Mishael won third place in the Mia Arbatova competition of classical ballet and contemporary dance.
In addition to classical ballet, Mishael is the Israel national champion in Ballroom Dancing 10-dance category for 2016.