Amit Aviv


Amit Aviv

Amit is 13 years old and lives in Kibbutz Hulda.

Amit has been dancing ballet since she was four and is part of an excellence track since the age of seven. In the last few years, she has been dancing 24 hours a week at the "Dance Academy" Studio, where she has been dancing since the age of six.

Amit has been learning ballet, pointe, modern and acro-dance with the teachers Ivica Bago, Limor Ziv, Rinat Aronis, Sonia Garcia, Noa Oz Setter, Tomer Berko and Tomer Golan.

Amit have been an active participant and competitor in a variety of national and international competitions since the age of ten, in which she won high places and achieved impressive results.
Competitions in Israel:

2020 – First place at "I Believe" with the dance "Quartet"; First place at DWC with the dance "Quartet".

2021 – First place at I Believe with the group dance "Colors".

2022 – Second place at YAGP in the pre-competitive contemporary category; Top 12 at YAGP with the dance "Quartet"; Second place at YAGP in all ensembles with the group dance "Babushka Friend"; First place at DWC with the group dance "Babushka Friends"; Second place at GDO with the group dance "Babushka Friends".

2023 – Third place at DWC with the variation Swan Lake Pas de Trois variation 2; First place at DWC with the duet "Second Life"; First place at DWC with the group dance "Control"; Second place at DWC with the group dance "Cold Wind"; Third place at GDO with the Swan Lake Pas de Trois variation 2; Third place at GDO with the duet "Second Life"; First place at GDO with the group dance "Control"; Third place at GDO with the group dance "Cold Wind".

2024 – First place at Vituoz competition with the variation "Awakening of Flora"; First place at Vituoz competition with Dataplex; Second place at DWC with the variation "Awakening of Flora"; Fifth place at DWC with "Eve"; First place at GDO with "Dataplex".

International competitions: 2024 – Third place with "Dataplex" at the GDO World finals (the Netherlands).
Amit has learned the following ballet variations: Le Corsair – Medora Variation act 3 (2021); Swan Lake Pas de Trois variation 2 (2022-2023); Awakening of Flora (on Pointe; 2023) and Laurencia (on Pointe; 2024) – with Limor Ziv; and Kitri act 1 (on Pointe) with Sonia Garcia (2024).

Amit has learned the following modern Solo's: Cronos (2022), Dataplex and Eve (2023) with Ivica Bago.

Repertoires: Bat Sheva - Hani Sirkis "Gaga" (2023); Kamea - Ayelet Alfo (2023); Vertigo – Itai Perry - twice (2023); Broadway - Ader Riklis (2023), Kamea – Naama Shiloah (2024) and Fresco – Adi Shimshi (2024).
Summer Courses and performances:

Summer course at the Israeli Ballet (2024) and at "Dance Works" (Limor Ziv and Ivica Bago; 2023) and performed with the duet "Second life" at a gala event at the Suzanne Dellal Center.

In addition to ballet studies, Amit is studying in a program for academic excellence - MOFET.