Trio Delyria
Trio Delyria
Frankfurt/Berlin based Trio Delyria is composed of three Israel-born musicians: David Strongin (violin), Elisha Kravitz (piano) and Uriah Tutter (cello). Their lasting passion for chamber music was first awakened in the Jerusalem Music Center’s David Goldman program and at the Young Israel Philharmonic Orchestra, and ever since then Elisha and Uriah have been playing together in various formations. In 2020 they were joined by David and formed the Trio Delyria in Frankfurt, Germany, where they are currently guided by Prof. Angelika Merkle in the master’s program for piano chamber music. Aside from the “standard” (and wonderful) trio repertoire, the Trio’s main focus are works both old and new which reflect the rich European-Jewish cultural heritage.
In the relatively short time since its foundation, Trio Delyria has appeared in concerts throughout Germany. It has been awarded two prizes at competitions of the Polytechnische Gesellschaft in Frankfurt as well as the Bad Homburger Förderpreis für Kammermusik. They were also finalists at the Felix-Mendelssohn-Bartholdy competition in Berlin, representing the Frankfurt University of Music. The Trio is due to record their debut CD in the summer of 2022, sponsored by the Kamar Percy und Ingeborg John Stiftung.
The Trio has participated in master classes with violinists Günther Pichler (Alban Berg Quartet), Heime Müller (formerly of the Artemis Quartet) and Tim Vogler (Vogler Quartet) and pianists Paul Rivinius (Mozart Piano Quartet) and Marianna Shirinyan. They receive regular advice from cellist Lucas Fels (Arditti Quartet).
The members of the Trio Delyria individually are winners of national and international competitions and have performed as soloists with orchestras in Israel and abroad. All three have been AICF scholarship holders for many years, including excellence scholarships and study-abroad grants. They have also been supported by the DAAD, Deutschlandstipendium, Holland Scholarship, Rotary Club Hanau/Bad Orb and Live Music Now.