Yuval Gotlibovich
Yuval Gotlibovich
Yuval Gotlibovich is a performer, composer and teacher. As a violist, he won first prize at the Lionel Tertis (UK), Fischoff (USA) and ‘Aviv’ (Israel) competitions. He performs regularly as a soloist, recitalist and is a regular guest at some of Europe’s main music festivals and venues. His arrangements of thirteen of Bach’s Goldberg Variations in different musical styles are featured on a Sony album with the Trio Garnati. A passion for combining performance, composition and improvisation, has led to the creation of original live music to accompany films of the silent era. Gotlibovich was the youngest professor on the faculty of Indiana University and currently teaches at the Conservatorio della Svizzera Italiana, Lugano and the Escola Superior de Música, Catalunya (ESMUC).