2022 Aviv Competition Piano Finalists Announced

The finalists of the Piano competition – The Goldie R. Feldman Piano Prize, as part of the Aviv Competitions, were announced.

Tom Zalmanov
Amir Ron
Jonathan Senik

In addition, the three contestants who will advance to the finals of the Outstanding Performance of the Israeli Instrumental Piece were selected: Malachi Rozenbaum, Tom Zalmanov and Amir Ron.

The finalists were chosen by the jury out of 7 candidates in this category. The three musicians will compete again in the final stage on Wednesday, January 4, 2023. The first place in the Piano competition will be awarded The Goldie R. Feldman Piano Prize, provided by the Canada-Israel Cultural Foundation, in the amount of $6,000.

The first place in the Outstanding Performance of Israeli Instrumental Piece will be awarded the Rafi Guralnik Prize in the amount of NIS 7,500, donated by the Guralnik family.

AICF congratulates the musicians who advanced to the Final Stage, and thanks all the talented contestants as well as the audience who came to watch and cheer!