Aviv Daniel
Aviv Daniel
Aviv Daniel is an Israeli violinist, born in 2000 in Jerusalem. He started
playing the violin when he was very young. He studied at the Thelma
Yellin High School of arts and then in Buchman Mehta School of music at
Tel Aviv university with Professor Mila Feldman. Today Aviv studying in
Park university with Professor Ben Sayevich.
Aviv took part in masterclasses with the teachers and violinists Miriam
Fried, Grigory Kalinovsky, Hagai Shaham, Annie Shnarch, Vadim
Gluzman, Dora Schwartzberg, Itzhak Rashkovsky, Chaim Taub and Irena
Svetlova. He participated in the David Goldman Program for Outstanding
Musicians and Jerusalem Music Center Programs such as Huberman
Program. Aviv also played as a soloist with Thelma Yellin Symphony
.Orchestra in a tour in January 2018. Aviv also took part in Keshet Eilon.
summer course in 2019
In the past, Aviv studied violin with Professor Matvey Liberman (student
of David Oistrakh), Emma Elishov, Mira Masin and Ludmila Ozrizky
Aviv plays on a violin loaned by America Israel Culture Foundation. He
has been a recipient of America Israel Culture Foundation scholarships
and of Ronen Foundation scholarships since 2015.