Eden Bareket
Eden Bareket
When he first came to NYC in 2013, the Argentina-born Israeli baritone saxophonist Eden Bareket quickly gained notice and esteem as an in demand Sideman. Bareket’s collaborative projects show an eclectic streak, as his horn playing ranges from modern classic Eyal Vilner Big-Band, to the adventurous Ari Hoenig Nonet, to even the Ethiopian jazz inspired grooves of Anbessa Orchestra.
As his star has continued to rise, Bareket has also woven these disparate musical strands together in his own leader project, a trio featuring bassist Or Bareket and drummer Felix Lecaros. This notably minimalist and unfussy instrumentation is utilized to the group’s advantage as the trio unveils a set of sparsely funky, often dark-hued grooves, all while stretching out their positions into very open territory.
Eden is a graduate of the Israeli Conservatory Tel-Aviv and a four-time AICF grant recipient. His latest album “Choice” has been described as “one of the most beautiful albums by an Israeli jazz musician to have recently come out” By Ben Shalev in Ha’aretz.