Michal Eldar

Michal Eldar
Michal Eldar was born and raised in Jerusalem to an ultra-Orthodox family. She is an actress and creator, a dancer and a dance and movement facilitator, a mentor for creating change and a breakthrough in life.
Michal studied for a bachelor’s and master’s degree in business administration. From the age of 15, she has danced in all kinds of studios in Jerusalem – modern dance, jazz, improvisation and Latin dance. She started teaching at the Candela Club in Jerusalem and Studio B in Tel Aviv.
Michal has performed at festivals in Israel, and abroad, in the Milano international festival. Today she is a dance and movement teacher, giving dance workshops and conducting fitness and Pilates trainer on behalf of the Vintage Institute.
After a long run, Michal has a desire to tell the story of her life, which she plays in a play at the Cameri Theater. being sexually abused as a child, she understands today how dance was the tool that helped her to stay alive and strong through all these years. Michal helps women and girls find the strength within them through the world of dance and movement.