Michal Heiman
Michal Heiman
Michal Heiman, artist, curator, lecturer, theoretician, founder of the Photographer Unknown archive (1984), creator of Michal Heiman Tests No. 1-4 (M.H.T.s). Heimanteaches at Jerusalem’s Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design and Tel Aviv University and is a member of the Tel Aviv Institute for Contemporary Psychoanalysis. She has exhibited throughout Israel since 1984 and internationally since 1994, at venues including the University of Melbourne Museum Of Art (Australia), Documenta X, Kassel (Germany), the Museum of Modern Art, Saitama City (Japan), the Van Abbemuseum, Eindhoven (Holland), the Kunsthaus Bregenz (Austria), and the Andrea Meislin Gallery, New York. Heiman was the first recipient of the Shpilman International Prize for Excellence in Photography in 2010. Her current exhibition: “AP – Artist Proof, Asylum (The Dress) 1855-2017”, at the Herzliya Museum for Contemporary Art (Curator: Dr. Aya Lurie), seeking to envision the political, cultural, gendered, and psychic conditions of a possibility of a “return”. To find ways to revisit women, photographed in the 1850s while hospitalized at Springfield Hospital, the former Surrey County Lunatic Asylum, London.