Yael Peri
Yael Peri
Yael Peri is an Israeli artist, working mainly with the disciplines of architecture and movement. She holds a MFA degree from the Bauhaus University in Weimar, Germany.
Yale’s artistic practice involves a variety of media and deals with different political aspects of space. Her main field of work consists of photography, installation and video, dedicated to the research of the history, narrative and power-relations of different social spaces.
Her practice is mostly project-based, relying on institutional as well as extra-institutional archival work. Many of her projects investigate the manner in which these archives translate into a spatial reality, and what exactly are the ideas, principles and ideologies influencing and creating public space.
Selected Exhibitions & Events:
4th Berliner Herbstsalon by Maxim Gorki Theater, Berlin, curator: Shermin Langhoff
Did You Mean Bauhaus?
Bernau bei Berlin Gallery, Branderburg, Curator: Ann-Kathrin Rudorf [DE]
Imaginary Bauhaus: Schiller Museum, Weimar, curator: Danica Dakic’ [DE]
Art-Thuer: Video Lounge at the annual Thueringian art fair, Messe, Erfurt,
Curator: Nina Lundström [DE]
Winterwerkschau: Bauhaus University, Weimar, [DE]
Seven Minutes
Video-art exhibition, A place for Art Gallery, Tel-Aviv, curator: Liliana Ferber [IL]
Desintergriert Euch!
3. Berliner Herbstsalon, a cooperation with the Maxim Gorki Theater [DE]
Foot-Hold: local B-tours festival for public participatory art
Jaffa/Lod, curators: Yael Shrill, Iris Pshedezky and Gili Zaidman [IL]
Draw to Perform: Video stage event, Petah-Tikva Museum, curator: Or Tshuva [IL]
Taboo-la Rasa | טאבו: Group Exhibition, Hanina Gallery, Tel-Aviv, curator: Salma El’Sana [IL]
Hamiffal (the Factory): A collaboration with Empty House art-collective, Jerusalem [IL]
Mentioned | מזכורה: abandoned backyard, Jaffa, curator: Salma El’Sana [IL]
On the Verge
Academic Gallery of Sapir College, curator: Ma’ayan Shellef [IL]
AVI: International video-art festival, Jerusalem, curator: Yenin Shilo [IL]
Recalibrating Experiments in alternative realities, Van-Leer institute campus, Jerusalem, curator: Gilad Reich [IL]
Grants / Awards
2019: Stiftung ZURÜCKGEBEN – zur Förderung jüdische Frauen in Kunst und Wissenschaft
2019: Kreativfonds – project grant
2017: Rabinovich Foundation for Arts, Tel Aviv- support for special projects
2015: Havatzelet – Education and Culture Institutions of HaShomer HaTzair
2015: Association of Contractors and Builders of Israel [ACB] grant for students in
the fields of architechture and design